Jason Horng

Jason Horng (jahorng@gmail.com)

I’m a Ph.D. student in UC Berkeley Physics department. Currently, I am working in Feng Wang’s ultrafast nano-optics lab, where we research on light-matter interaction in condensed matter systems. In my graduate study, I do optical experiments on a novel material — graphene, and try to understand how electrons in graphene interacts with lights.

Research projects

The following list contains my research projects and I would like to have discussion or suggestion from you.

  • Optical method to use graphene as a charge sensor
  • Interaction between graphene and polymer
  • Study graphene cyclotron resonance using infrared detection
  • Drude behavior on intraband transitions of graphene
  • Controlling Raman scattering using strongly doped graphene


  • “Graphene plasmonics for tunable terahertz metamaterials.” L. Ju, B. Geng, J. Horng, C. Girit, M. Martin, Z. Hao, H.A. Bechtel, X. Liang, A. Zettl, Y.R. Shen, F. Wang, Nature Nanotech. (2011). Link.Free full-text PDFPress release.
  • “Controlling inelastic light scattering quantum pathways in graphene.” C.-F. Chen, C.-H. Park, B.W. Boudouris, J. Horng, B. Geng, C. Girit, A. Zettl, M.F. Crommie, R.A. Segalman, S.G. Louie, F. Wang, Nature 471, 617 (2011). LinkFree full-text PDF and supplement.
  • “Drude conductivity of Dirac fermions in graphene.” J. Horng, C.-F. Chen, B. Geng, C. Girit, Y. Zhang, Z. Hao, H.A. Bechtel, M. Martin, A. Zettl, M.F. Crommie, Y.R. Shen, F. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 83, 165113 (2011). LinkFree full-text PDF.
  • “Possible competing order-induced Fermi arcs in cuprate superconductors.” B.-L.Yu, J. C. F. Wang, A. D. Beyer, M. L. Teague, G. P. Lockhart, J. S. A. Horng, S.-P. Lee, and N.-C. Yeh. Solid State Communications (Fast-track communication) 149, 261 (2009); Link. Free full-text PDF.


  • PhD in Physics deparment, August 2008 – May 2014 (expected).
    University of California, Berkeley.
    Advisor: Feng Wang
  • Bachelor of Science program, Physics department, June 2005.
    National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.